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better? Happier?

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The resources on Joyful Life Programs help people live each day with confidence, passion, and abiding joy.

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Lisa L.

"I really love it! It is very inspiring and gives me new insight."

Melissa A.

"I found that the truth of the lessons was inspiring and potentially life changing. I am thankful for the opportunity to be taught and be changed."


"I had a really tough time in my marriage and finally I was able to encourage my husband to take the marriage course with me. We are on week 3 right now and already it’s making a huge difference in our relationship and our family."

Diane D.

"I have found this to be very useful in all of my relationships."

Dawn G.

"This course is great. The information is broken up into small pieces that are digestible."

Andrew B.

"The course is a huge helper … perfect for anyone willing to take the journey."

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Do you sometimes
feel anxious? Alone?

Do you wish your
life was better?

We can help!

The resources on Joyful Life Programs help people live each day with confidence, passion, and abiding joy.

How does it work?

What are Joyful Life
users saying?

Lisa L.

"I really love it! It is very inspiring and gives me new insight."

Melissa A.

"I found that the truth of the lessons was inspiring and potentially life changing. I am thankful for the opportunity to be taught and be changed."


"I had a really tough time in my marriage and finally I was able to encourage my husband to take the marriage course with me. We are on week 3 right now and already it’s making a huge difference in our relationship and our family."

Diane D.

"I have found this to be very useful in all of my relationships."

Dawn G.

"This course is great. The information is broken up into small pieces that are digestible."

Andrew B.

"The course is a huge helper … perfect for anyone willing to take the journey."

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It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior, better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.

Proverbs 16:32 (The Voice)

Do you control your emotions, or do they control you?

Emotions are not merely feelings that reside solely in our hearts. Rather, they lie at the intersection of the body and mind. They stem from quick judgments made by our brains about what we are thinking or encountering in any given moment and can cause changes in what our bodies feel.

In the proper balance, our emotions are essential, helping us experience happiness, recognize danger, and feel compassion for ourselves and others. Because they inform our decisions and motivate our actions, we must learn how to manage our emotions so they are the helpful agents they were designed to be.

What you will gain…
  • Insight into why people feel, think, and act the way they do
  • Biblical strategies for overcoming unhealthy perspectives and beliefs about one's self or others
  • Tools for identifying and managing our emotional responses
  • Encouragement and support that you are not alone in dealing with unwanted emotions!

This site is not a substitute for professional mental or emotional care. Some challenges may require the assistance of a trained professional. A good place to begin is to seek the advice of your primary care physician, who likely knows many local mental health colleagues. Remember, early help for a mental health issue can make a big difference.

If you or someone you know is feeling especially bad or suicidal, get help right away.

Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to reach a 24-hour crisis center or dial 911 for immediate assistance.

Our Favorite Things

Check out our favorite experts and tools for Healthy Emotions.

Pete led New Life Fellowship Church for 26 years. He now hosts the top-ranked Emotionally Healthy Leader podcast and is the author of a number of bestselling books, including The Emotionally Healthy Leader and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. Pete and his wife Geri also developed The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course, a powerful resource that moves people from a shallow to a deep relationship with Jesus.
What’s your emotional age? Try Pete’s free quiz on this page to determine if you are an infant, child, teen, or adult!
Pete & Geri Scazzero
The Enneagram is an ancient personality system that explains how people engage with the world. We can learn to leverage our strengths and overcome negative beliefs to enjoy a better experience of life.
Discover your type with this free test and get guidance in this excellent book by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile. Not only will you learn more about yourself, but you will also gain awareness to see the world through other people’s eyes, understanding how and why they think, feel, and act the way they do.
The Enneagram Personality System
Dr. Cloud is a psychologist and author who specializes in taking ownership of your stuff and setting healthy boundaries for your own well-being and healthy relationships.
Dr. Henry Cloud
Most of us do life by automatically relying on our “inner hustler’s” gifts and resources. To sustain a deep inner life means waking up to how this default self-sabotages our love God, self, and others at every turn. Doug and Adele help people learn how to partner with the Spirit of God in ways that transform them and their relationships. There is hope for a new normal in Christ!
Doug & Adele Calhoun

Coaching can help!

We admire and applaud those who work to help themselves overcome a challenge, learn, and grow. Despite our best efforts, though, we can get stuck on a specific issue or a plateau that stagnates our advancement.

Indeed, our favorite athletes, entrepreneurs, and successful business leaders would not be where they are today without good coaching! Connecting with a coach offers new insights and strategies that enable us to push through, move forward, and achieve our goals!

Life coaches encourage and counsel clients on a wide range of issues, asking the right questions to:

  • Clarify your goals
  • Analyze your current situation, and
  • Uncover limiting beliefs, behaviors, and obstacles

Then they work with you to devise a custom plan of action and support for you to achieve your desired outcomes.

Ask a coach

Not ready for formal coaching yet? Ask a Joyful Life Programs specialist a question about your situation or for advice on good options for you.

Find a coach

If you want to explore more about personal coaching, choose a life coach who specializes in your specific area of concern. Here are some Healthy Emotions coaches we like.
  • Jeff Spadafora
    Help men find purpose and community, Life Coaching
  • Dianne DeJong
    Life Purpose, Healing, Pregnancy and Family Issues
  • April Diaz
    April is doing all her 1on1 coaching, group coaching, and coaching certification training through her company, Ezer + Co. Please check out Ezer + Co.’s coaching page for current details! Ezer + Co. is a coaching company for women who want to live and
  • April Diaz
    April is doing all her 1on1 coaching, group coaching, and coaching certification training through her company, Ezer + Co. Please check out Ezer + Co.’s coaching page for current details! Ezer + Co. is a coaching company for women who want to live and
  • Jocelyn Ennis Peirce
    Jocelyn’s passion is to help groups, teams, and organizations get from stuck to unstuck. Whether that’s because of challenging teams, staffing issues, or complex problems, Jocelyn can work with you to help overcome whatever is keeping you from reachi
Jeff Spadafora
Help men find purpose and community, Life Coaching

Jeff founded The Way to help Christian men who are yearning for meaning, purpose, and joy, but instead are trapped in a state of discontent, anywhere from miserable to too safe, stale, suboptimized. Jeff helps men find the grand and adventurous purpose God has for them, empowering them to make confident decisions and become courageous warriors who bring the love and truth of Christ into their spheres of influence. Jeff invests deeply into the lives of men who are willing to step into this hea

Dianne DeJong
Life Purpose, Healing, Pregnancy and Family Issues

Diane is passionate about seeing women of all ages come to know who they are in Christ and become the masterpieces God created them to be. Through coaching, Diane helps women turn their hurt, confusion, and fear over to God and find their purpose in His most excellent plan for their lives. She walks with women on the journey to all God has for them.

April Diaz
April is doing all her 1on1 coaching, group coaching, and coaching certification training through her company, Ezer + Co. Please check out Ezer + Co.’s coaching page for current details! Ezer + Co. is a coaching company for women who want to live and

In 2019, she founded Ezer + Co., a company committed to activating women toward wholeness in life and leadership in full partnership with men. April pastored in the local church for nearly 20 years at two of the most influential churches in the country. For the last 7 years she’s coached over 500 leaders and has spoken internationally. She’s crazy passionate coming alongside leaders who are influencing along the margins of culture. Her first book, Redefining the Role of the Youth Worker: A M

April Diaz
April is doing all her 1on1 coaching, group coaching, and coaching certification training through her company, Ezer + Co. Please check out Ezer + Co.’s coaching page for current details! Ezer + Co. is a coaching company for women who want to live and

In 2019, she founded Ezer + Co., a company committed to activating women toward wholeness in life and leadership in full partnership with men. April pastored in the local church for nearly 20 years at two of the most influential churches in the country. For the last 7 years she’s coached over 500 leaders and has spoken internationally. She’s crazy passionate coming alongside leaders who are influencing along the margins of culture. Her first book, Redefining the Role of the Youth Worker: A M

Jocelyn Ennis Peirce
Jocelyn’s passion is to help groups, teams, and organizations get from stuck to unstuck. Whether that’s because of challenging teams, staffing issues, or complex problems, Jocelyn can work with you to help overcome whatever is keeping you from reachi

Areas of focus include: Ministry program development (inception, launch, redesign) Leadership development Conflict resolution Non profit staffing models

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Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach...

Tools to assess your current financial situation and identify patterns

Happy relationships are a great source of comfort, encouragement, and support, providing a sense of well-being and a safe base from which we can thrive.


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