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better? Happier?

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The resources on Joyful Life Programs help people live each day with confidence, passion, and abiding joy.

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Lisa L.

"I really love it! It is very inspiring and gives me new insight."

Melissa A.

"I found that the truth of the lessons was inspiring and potentially life changing. I am thankful for the opportunity to be taught and be changed."


"I had a really tough time in my marriage and finally I was able to encourage my husband to take the marriage course with me. We are on week 3 right now and already it’s making a huge difference in our relationship and our family."

Diane D.

"I have found this to be very useful in all of my relationships."

Dawn G.

"This course is great. The information is broken up into small pieces that are digestible."

Andrew B.

"The course is a huge helper … perfect for anyone willing to take the journey."

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Do you sometimes
feel anxious? Alone?

Do you wish your
life was better?

We can help!

The resources on Joyful Life Programs help people live each day with confidence, passion, and abiding joy.

How does it work?

What are Joyful Life
users saying?

Lisa L.

"I really love it! It is very inspiring and gives me new insight."

Melissa A.

"I found that the truth of the lessons was inspiring and potentially life changing. I am thankful for the opportunity to be taught and be changed."


"I had a really tough time in my marriage and finally I was able to encourage my husband to take the marriage course with me. We are on week 3 right now and already it’s making a huge difference in our relationship and our family."

Diane D.

"I have found this to be very useful in all of my relationships."

Dawn G.

"This course is great. The information is broken up into small pieces that are digestible."

Andrew B.

"The course is a huge helper … perfect for anyone willing to take the journey."

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Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit

For the sense and reason of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.

Romans 8:6 (TPT)

If the Spirit is the source of our life, we must also allow the Spirit to direct every aspect of our lives.

Galatians 5:25 (TPT)

Are you living each day in the power of the Holy Spirit?

Many people struggle through each day, relying on their own strength and wisdom to face the challenges of life. Through the Holy Spirit, God enables us to experience vibrant, powerful lives that overcome challenges and reflect His goodness and grace.

Learn how we, like the believers in the early church, can live above the daily grind and transform the world around us with the grace-filled, healing, redemptive love of Christ.

What you will gain…
  • An awareness and appreciate for who the Holy Spirit of God is
  • Understanding on why we need the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our lives
  • A picture of what a life filled with the Spirit of God looks like
  • Practices for living in the power of the Spirit
  • Tools to identify or affirm your spiritual gifts

Our Favorite Things

Check out our favorite experts and tools for Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit: Activating God’s Power in Your Life: In this inspiring book, Rev. Billy Graham shows us how, as Christians, "we have the mighty power of God available to us through . . . the Holy Spirit.”
Rev. Billy Graham’s Book
God created each of us for a purpose and gave us spiritual gifts to fulfill it. Founded by Jeff Carver, offers extensive information about spiritual gifts outlined in the Bible and resources to help you discover and affirm yours. Learn about spiritual gifts and take the free Spiritual Gifts test!
Do you know what your spiritual gifts are?
Francis Chan, M.Div., Founder of Crazy Love Ministries: Pastor, author, speaker consistently invites us into deep communion with God and shows us the natural response of living in the Spirit.
Francis Chan, M.Div.
Dr. Dallas Willard was a renowned Christian scholar and author known for his pastor’s heart and loving approach to teaching spiritual formation. Learn more about it here and discover the joy and practice of allowing God’s Spirit to live and move through you.
Dr. Dallas Willard

Coaching can help!

We admire and applaud those who work to help themselves overcome a challenge, learn, and grow. Despite our best efforts, though, we can get stuck on a specific issue or a plateau that stagnates our advancement.

Indeed, our favorite athletes, entrepreneurs, and successful business leaders would not be where they are today without good coaching! Connecting with a coach offers new insights and strategies that enable us to push through, move forward, and achieve our goals!

Life coaches encourage and counsel clients on a wide range of issues, asking the right questions to:

  • Clarify your goals
  • Analyze your current situation, and
  • Uncover limiting beliefs, behaviors, and obstacles

Then they work with you to devise a custom plan of action and support for you to achieve your desired outcomes.

Ask a coach

Not ready for formal coaching yet? Ask a Joyful Life Programs specialist a question about your situation or for advice on good options for you.

Find a coach

If you want to explore more about personal coaching, choose a life coach who specializes in your specific area of concern. Here are some Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit coaches we like.
  • Rev. Adele Ahlberg Calhoun
    Spiritual Direction, Enneagram
  • Dixie Diamanti
    Finding Purpose, Pursuing Purpose, Significance
Rev. Adele Ahlberg Calhoun
Spiritual Direction, Enneagram

Adele delights in adventure, beauty, creativity, and the God who makes all things news. She currently serves as Co-Pastor of Spiritual Formation at Highrock Church in Arlington, MA. She has also served as the Pastor of Spiritual Formation at Christ Church in Oak Brook, Illinois; directed women and young adult ministries at Park Street Church in Boston, MA; and worked for International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in South East Asia, the Mid East, South Africa, and the West Indies. S

Dixie Diamanti
Finding Purpose, Pursuing Purpose, Significance

Dixie Diamanti is the Founder and President of Reflections of Grace Life Coaching. An author, Bible-teacher, and Certified Life Coach, Dixie focuses on helping men and women see themselves as a Masterpiece in ALL aspects of their lives and helping them overcome obstacles one step at a time so they can pursue their God-given purpose and significance.

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in Love Languages ONLINE quiz
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What is it that makes a man fall in love with a woman?

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach...

Tools to assess your current financial situation and identify patterns

Happy relationships are a great source of comfort, encouragement, and support, providing a sense of well-being and a safe base from which we can thrive.


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